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Zack Marsh I went on a ride with some friends, one of which had an africa twin just like mine. He said "man you got to get the Camel adv bracket for your right peg cause that thing is week and snaps off easy." Not 30 minutes later I went down on my right side and snapped off the right footpeg. I went home and reviewed the Camel ADV YouTube on the installation and ordered the kit. I have a mechanical background so I felt the install was easy. The exhaust has to be removed and a 5/16 inch hole has to be drilled. Once I got the bracket and new foot peg bracket I put it all back together, I was impressed with the engineering and quality. I became an instant fan of Camel ADV. I have a 2017 Africa Twin and have since purchased the Camel footpegs, side stand, windscreen support bracket, and handlebar risers. All super high quality and further bulletproofs an already great motorcycle.
T.H. Got my Africa twin did some research and quickly ordered up everything I needed to bulletproof my ride before I head off-road. The Camel ADV peg support came highly recommended by several YouTubers. After installation I can see how this is going to save my bacon. And it was super easy to install.
Todd Morrell Camel ADV has been my go to source for all things Africa Twin. Their build quality, customer service, and unique solutions for all the quirks the venerable AT possesses are second to none.
I saw this piece of equipment when I originally built out the AT for some moderate off road work and thought to myself "Why would I ever need that? It isn't like I'm racing Dakar or anything.".
Whose the dummy now?
I broke my right foot peg on the Idaho BDR after a slow speed (15 MPH or less) low side spill which summarily snapped off the oh so crucial right foot peg.
After 38 miles of off road riding at 8-10 MPH followed by another 45 miles of tarmac to get to a weld shop, I now acknowledge that beside the famous Camel Windshield Brace, this is the piece of gear that should have been at the top of my list.
Lesson learned.....and it was most likely preventable with this piece of kit.
Don't be dumb like me. I would have spent 10 times what they are asking for this piece of kit had I known what I was in for once the peg snapped off.
Thanks again Camel ADV for saving me from myself.
Felipe Perfecto encaja a la perfección y muy fácil de instalar
Earl Simpson I just got home from a week long ride in southern Utah and northern Arizona. I rode some pretty rough terrain and to put it mildly, there is no way my right foot peg would have survived the trip without the Camel ADV support brace! Thanks so much for a great product!!
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